... president of the California Hotels and Lodging Association. The state maintains a publicly-available dashboard on hospital and ICU capacity by county. Counties with 10% ICU availability or less, in regions with 0% ICU availability, were directed to prioritize services to those who were sickest and to cancel or reschedule elective surgeries. On March 19, 2020, an Executive Order (PDF) and Public Health Order (PDF) directed all Californians to stay home except to go to an essential job or to shop for essential needs. Learn more about these orders and find out what’s open in your area. Failure to follow these requirements may result in an order to disperse or other enforcement action. While in the purple tier, restaurants and wineries can open for outdoor dining and tastings again. Government responses continue to evolve, so please check back often for updates and rely on your local and national government for … This was per the Hospital Surge Public Health Order, updated January 15, 2021. The order is in place until further notice. Northern California: Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity counties. Regions where the new order is in effect. October 20, 2020 . Practicing your faith is a constitutionally-protected activity and may manifest in many different forms. CHLA has an index of all county orders related to COVID-19, … The order went into effect on Thursday, March 19, 2020. The order was modified on May 4, 2020. On August 28, 2020 the State modified it further with the release of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy to permit gradual reopening of certain businesses and activities. Read the guidance. Physical distancing should be practiced at all times. This review will assess the impacts of these imposed limits on public health and provide further direction as part of a phased-in restoration of gatherings that implicate the First Amendment. California. In addition, performances are permitted only if, in the exercise of their discretion, the relevant local or city health officer approves the precautions taken to ensure the safety of audience members, performers and others connected with the performance. Approval is not required in counties with a âModerateâ or âMinimalâ risk level for a live musical, theatrical, or artistic performance if, in aggregate, members of no more than three households attend, perform, or otherwise are involved in the performance. Hotels can resume operations and restaurants can open for outdoor dining once again, but a travel advisory recommending against nonessential travel beyond 120 miles from home remains in place. 1 This advisory affects all counties in California. Playgrounds located at schools that remain open for in-person instruction, and not accessible by the general public, may remain open and must follow guidance for schools and school-based programs (PDF). And yet people are traveling. Performances may have no more than 50 persons in the audience in counties in the âModerateâ risk level and no more than 100 in counties in the âMinimalâ risk level. You can go to the vet or pet hospital if your pet is sick. Yes. Additional conditions may be imposed by local public health officials. While only very small wedding receptions are currently permitted, consider safer options like sharing your wedding online via video conference (Zoom, Google Meet, or other platforms). Yes. As described in more detail elsewhere in applicable state public health directives (including on this page), there are a wide range of circumstances in which you may leave your home or other place of residence, even if you are not an Essential Critical Infrastructure Worker. The State Public Health Officer may issue new orders as the public health situation changes. Hotels, inns, bed-and-breakfasts and other lodging areas will be allowed to resume operations May 22, but all nonessential travelers must follow a self-quarantine mandate. Visit California has compiled a comprehensive list of links to all of the state’s city and county travel sites, which offer travelers resources for navigating what is and isn’t open in California. At a minimum, outdoor attendance should be limited naturally through implementation of strict physical distancing measures of a minimum of 6 feet between attendees from different households, in addition to other relevant protocols within this document. When you are otherwise out in public, public health directives do not prevent you from engaging in political expressionâsuch as by wearing or carrying a sign. It was modified on May 4, 2020. Places of worship such as churches, mosques, temples, and synagogues can open throughout the state, with modifications for safety (PDF). California public health officials have recommended that Californians avoid non-essential travel outside the state or more than 120 miles from their home. There are many ways for you to express your political views without holding a physical, in-person gathering. When out of the water, masks or face coverings should be worn. On January 6, the California Department of Public Health issued a travel advisory recommending that Californians avoid nonessential travel anywhere beyond 120 miles of their home. The Bureau of Automotive Repair advises drivers to still pay DMV vehicle registration fees to avoid any late fees. It prohibited private gatherings of any size, closed sector operations except for critical infrastructure and retail, and required 100% masking (with certain exceptions as indicated in guidance for use of face coverings) and physical distancing.The Regional Stay Home Order was lifted January 25, 2021 as projected ICU availability over 4 weeks in all regions rose to over 15%. In total we have a capacity of approximately 3,000 additional medical beds currently available beyond what we have in the hospital system. Four out of five of Californiaâs regions were at some time subject to the Regional Stay Home Order. Yes, although in-person protests and rallies present special public health concerns for high risk of COVID-19 transmission. The California Department of Public Health, in consultation with county Departments of Public Health, will regularly review and assess the impacts of these imposed limits on public health and provide further direction as part of a phased-in restoration of activities in places of worship. Masks and face coverings are required in compliance with CDPH directives. See more details in guidance for Places of worship and cultural ceremonies. The State will continue to take public health measures necessary to protect vulnerable Californians and the health care delivery system. Once a region exited the Regional Stay Home Order, counties within that region returned to the appropriate tier and rules under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. See the Blueprint for a Safer Economy for state restrictions in your area. These metrics, along with declining cases, hospitalizations, test positivity and transmission rates across the State, demonstrate that the Regional Stay Home Order had its intended effect of interrupting the exponential rate of community transmission that threatened to overwhelm our healthcare delivery system. Performers who are not wearing face coverings must be at least six feet apart from each other. Local Health Officers are advised to consider appropriate limitations on outdoor attendance capacities, factoring their jurisdiction’s key COVID-19 health indicators. Visitors from out of state are discouraged from coming to California for non-essential purposes. Airbnbs are being booked. Places of worship may open indoor operations, observing capacity limits as noted in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, and complying with all safety modifications and guidance requirements, when permitted by relevant local restrictions. However, state public health directives do not prohibit in-person outdoor protests and rallies as long as you maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet between persons or groups of persons from different households at all times. Where can I find a summary on travel restrictions? Bay Area: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma counties. Campgrounds, including those within state and national parks, are able to open back up as well—many had been closed during the stay-home order. This guidance does not obligate places of worship to resume in-person activity. Outdoor pools must close slides, rides, or other attractions. With no test, the CDC requires international travelers to quarantine for 14 days. Indoor swimming pools are closed in counties in the Widespread (purple) or Substantial (red) tiers. California’s purple tier is the state’s tightest stage for coronavirus restrictions, ... Hotels and other lodging can remain open with modifications, though those with … In the Substantial (red) tier, indoor services in places of worship are permitted at 25% of roomâs usual capacity. The Stateâs overall ICU capacity fell to 0% in December, pointing to the statewide nature of the crisis. Failure to follow these requirements may result in an order to disperse or other enforcement action. In response to recent judicial rulings, the state guidance for places of worship has been updated. Whenever you are considering a protest (including an in-car protest), make sure you comply with all other applicable laws, including any local public-health measures that may be more restrictive than statewide directives and any other applicable local laws. To find these local contacts, see Appendix B of the Employer Playbook for a Safe Reopening (PDF). Bring your own towel, and don’t share items that are worn on the face (like goggles, nose clips, or snorkels). The State Public Health Officer does not consider in-car activities to be gatherings, if participants stay in their cars and otherwise remain apart from individuals who are not part of their households. In other counties, state public health directives do not prohibit in-person indoor protests and rallies as long as (1) attendance is limited as required by the relevant restrictions on places of worship and local health restrictions, (2) physical distancing of at least 6 feet between persons or groups of persons from different households is maintained at all times, and (3) singing and chanting activities are discontinued. On December 3, 2020, further restrictions were implemented in regions with low ICU capacity under the Regional Stay Home Order. Although in-person religious gatheringsâlike other in-person gatheringsâhave been restricted to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, on May 25, 2020, the State Public Health Officer began to ease restrictions on in-person religious gatherings. Hotels:Palm Springs hotels have fewer bookings for Thanksgiving amid curfew In the Coachella Valley, unemployment went from 7.2% to … Ceremonies have restrictions on their setting or capacity, depending on your county’s tier status: Widespread (purple) tier: Outdoors only; Substantial (red) tier: May be held indoors, but with max capacity of 25% or 100 people, whichever is fewer; Moderate (orange) tier: May be held indoors, but with max capacity of 50% or 200 people, whichever is fewer Hair salons and barbershops can open in every county, with modifications for safety. Yes. Wedding ceremonies should follow the guidance for Places of worship or cultural ceremonies. Yes. Yes, but first check if you can complete your transaction online. Local jurisdictions may have more restrictive local orders than the assigned tier. Such gatherings may result in increased rates of infection, hospitalization, and death, especially among more vulnerable populations. For example, you may leave your home to work at any business or other entity that is allowed to open, to engage in in-person worship and protest activities consistent with public health directives, to patronize local businesses, or to care for friends or family members who require assistance (as set forth under Health care). And errands like these are not the only reasons you may leave your home: you may also leave your home with or without a specific destination in mind (for example, to walk your dog, to engage in physical recreation, or simply to get some fresh air) as long as you maintain physical distancing and comply with any other applicable public health directives. The Limited Stay at Home Order (curfew) also ended. Court operations vary from county to county. They will also be required to quarantine for one week after arrival stateside following a negative COVID test result from three to five days posttravel. It depends. The widest-reaching active restriction are the Regional Stay Home Orders. Many activists have organized car-based protests (honking horns, flying flags, displaying signs, and so on) to express their political views while complying with State public health directives. It comes as the number of infections … During approved performances, all audience members and others not performing must wear masks, and audience members from different households must be spaced at least six feet apart when seated or otherwise viewing the performance. Participants must maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet from any uniformed peace officers and other public safety personnel present, unless otherwise directed, and follow all other requirements and directives imposed by local health officers and law enforcement, or other applicable authorities. California recently expanded its stay-at-home order and travel restrictions. California has lifted its recent stay-at-home order but discourages out-of-state visitors. The Regional Stay Home Order (PDF), announced December 3, 2020, triggered additional restrictions after a region was announced to have less than 15% ICU availability. In particular, activities like chanting, shouting, singing, and group recitation negate the risk-reduction achieved through 6 feet of physical distancing. Currently, all California hotels and lodgings, including short-term rentals like Airbnb, are prohibited from accepting or honoring out-of … Mask requirement: All Californians are required to wear facial coverings in public spaces. . Hotels: Hotels and short term rentals have resumed operations. See sector guidance for gyms and fitness centers and campgrounds and outdoor recreation. Going to stay elsewhere in California for several months. The risk of COVID-19 infection is still real for all Californians and continues to be fatal. All individuals living in the State of California are currently ordered to stay home or at their place of residence, except for permitted work, local shopping or other permitted errands, or as otherwise authorized (including in the Questions and answers below). Remember to wear a face covering and distance yourself at least 6 feet from other pets and owners. That is why every business permitted to open should take every step humanly possible to reduce the risk of infection by following these state guidelines. Specific legislation has been enacted to address the administration of elections during COVID-19. Essential workforce and critical infrastructure sectors are defined on the Essential workforce web page. This interim guidance is effective immediately. Find guidance for the safe administration of elections during COVID-19. >> Next: Hawaii Issues New Rules for Travelers—Here’s What You Need to Know, Americans Have Traveled to Mexico Throughout COVID, California Lifts Stay-Home Order, Allowing Travel in the State to Resume, Sign up for the Daily Wander newsletter for expert travel inspiration and tips, Southwest Credit Cards Offering Rare Opportunity to Earn a Valuable Companion Pass, Hyatt Now Offers Free COVID Testing at All Its Mexico, Costa Rica, and Caribbean Hotels, Belize Is Open to International Travelers With Expanded Safe Corridor in Place, Our Picks for Face Masks to Buy—and the Latest Rules for Wearing Them. Had not thought about the car rental being an issue. All four Regions that were subject to the Regional Stay Home Order have exited because their projected four-week ICU capacity is above 15%. We will examine conditions moving forward and determine interventions as they are warranted. Additionally, as noted above, you may leave your home for any reason as long as you comply with any other applicable public health directives. We ended the Regional Stay Home Order and hope we do not need to resort to such strict measures to keep our health care system protected and to save lives. The purple tier mandates that theme parks must remain closed. Several counties will keep mandatory quarantines in place and are still dissuading tourism. This order ended for all regions statewide on January 25, 2021 because 4-week ICU capacity projections in the three remaining regions under the order had reached 15% or higher. To best serve customers and maintain appropriate distance, the number of people allowed in the office is limited, chairs are appropriately spaced, and plexiglass has been installed. Most California hotels are open but have operating restrictions. ICU capacity is projected four weeks out because ICU capacity is a lagging indicator; even if ICU capacity is below 15% today, those hospitalizations are results of infections that were weeks ago, not because of current transmission rates. If you do wish to engage in in-person protest outside of your car with a group of any size, you must follow the guidelines for political protest gatherings below. California’s new widespread curfew calls for people to remain at home between 10 p.m and 5 a.m., but it doesn’t shut down hotels. This protects all your loved ones, especially those at high risk like seniors or people with chronic conditions. The Limited Stay Home Order (effective November 21, 2020) and its Supplement (effective December 22, 2020) required that in counties in the Widespread (purple) tier, Californians stay home between 10:00pm and 5:00am, with some exceptions. Just looking not to drive at night (hence the hotel) after a transcontinental flight. Are hotels in California open? Hotels, Lodging, and Short-Term Rentals . Yes. This order was ended February 5, 2021 and is no longer in effect in any county in California. Museums, movie theaters, zoos, and aquariums, are allowed to reopen, but only outdoors. Information on conditions imposed by the state can be found at guidance for places of worship (PDF). Court operations vary from county to county. Retail stores can remain open at 25 percent capacity, and grocery stores at 50 percent (capacity limits were slightly lower during the stay-home order, 20 and 35 percent, respectively). Alternatively, nonessential travelers can quarantine for 7 days followed by a negative COVID-19 test. You can walk your dog. Under the guidelines for the purple tier, hotels and lodgings can resume operations with some modifications—fitness centers can only be opened outdoors, and indoor pools, hot tubs, and saunas must remain closed. Will be self-isolating upon arrival by car at the destination (private home). Bars and breweries in counties in the purple tier must remain closed—though patrons should check for pick-up and delivery options. The guidance was created by CHLA in conjunction with hotel leadership from across the state, as well as COVID-19–specific protocols created by the California Department of Public Health and OSEA. Editor’s note: This post was updated with new lockdown measures on Jan. 25, 2021. Some smog check locations may be closed. Even with adherence to physical distancing, convening in a congregational setting of multiple households to practice a personal faith carries a higher risk of widespread transmission of COVID-19, and may result in increased rates of infection, hospitalization, and death, especially among more vulnerable populations. On November 21, 2020, Californians in counties in the Widespread (purple) tier were directed to stop non-essential activities between 10PM and 5AM via the Limited Stay Home Order. As of December 30, Los Angeles County requires all incoming travelers arriving from anywhere outside the Southern California region to quarantine for 10 days. Once state and local orders or directives are no longer in effect, you can then obtain the required smog check certificate to complete the DMV vehicle registration process. Pursuant to this legislation, measures like vote by mail, early voting locations, and ballot drop boxes have been used to ensure that Californiaâs elections are safe, secure, and accessible. Drowning prevention classes, including swim lessons with certified instructors, are permitted in indoor and outdoor swimming pools in all tiers, as they are deemed essential. Nearly all Californians can now renew their driverâs license online â even if the renewal notice states an office visit is required. California is lifting its mandatory state-wide stay-at-home order, although many parts of the state haven’t yet lifted strict coronavirus control measures. AFAR participates in affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn a commission if you purchase an item featured on our site. Congregants engaging in group recitation should wear face coverings at all times. Under the guidelines for the purple tier, hotels and lodgings can resume operations with some modifications—fitness centers can only be opened outdoors, and indoor pools, hot tubs, and saunas must remain closed. In most counties, hotels can accept leisure travelers and restaurants can serve diners outdoors. Because such gatherings frequently involve the mixing of people from different communities creating a high risk of transmission of COVID-19, until further CDPH guidance is issued, such gatherings are allowed only in counties in the âModerateâ (orange) or âMinimalâ (yellow) risk levels. This order was ended January 25, 2021 and is no longer in effect in any county in California. No. But that requirement no longer applies. On August 28, 2020, the State released the Blueprint for a Safer Economy to permit gradual reopening of certain businesses and activities. This story was originally published on June 9, 2020, and was updated on January 25, 2021, to include current information. Both the Limited Stay Home Order and the Regional Stay Home Order were lifted January 25, 2021. but we are not out of the woods,” Newsom said in the press conference, during which the governor asked that Californians remain vigilant by continuing to wear masks and avoid gatherings. The vast majority of counties within California are now in the most restrictive purple tier, which indicates “widespread” risk level.
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