western civilization 2 quizlet exam 1
The Persian army according to history was in the recent business of acquiring land by force or submission. History - Western Civilization - Chapters Chapter 2. The Fertile Crescent was an area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf in which the earliest civilizations developed. Western Civilization I Amazon S3. Please sign in to share these flashcards. Formed the first triumvirate with Marcus Crassus and Pompey Magnus. CLEP Western Civilization II Exam Answer Key; ... 2 The accurate statement is (c): After wars in the 17th and 18th centuries, France was the dominant power in Western Europe, while England was dominant over the waterways via its powerful navy. Initially had purpose of keeping accounts of trades and such. New concepts enriched Jewish tradition and Western Civilization. 1 – Sections 6744 – Fall 2011 - New York City College of Technology - Social Science Dept. This course will try an answer some of the big questions about Western Civilization by starting with the basics and seeing how they have grown and changed over time. 2190-1665 BCE. Was the first emperor of the roman empire and ruled from 27 BCE until his death in 14 CE. Chapter 1 Early Civilizations Western Civilizations. The Persian War began around 546 B.C. Romulus asks neighboring peoples to give their daughters to Romans. Ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate textual and graphic historical materials 4. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Western Civilization Ii Quiz Answers Portcullis Solutions. Ability to reach conclusions on the basis of factsThe subject … Eventually reached truce in 1259 BCE after battle of Kadesh in 1274 BCE. Greek astronomer and mathematician, student of Plato, views known because of Aristotle, model of planetary motion, City in Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great c. 331 BCE, seaport/ trade, Egypt's capital for nearly 1000 years, Great Library- catalogues of works, Museion (learning institution), atomism: natural philosophy developed by Leucippus and his student Democritus in the fifth century BC, natural world consists of two fundamental and opposite, indivisible bodies - atoms (atomos) and void, all matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms, laid the foundation for the Epicurian view of the universe. Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian. Download File PDF Western Civilization Chapter 2 Exam Western Civilization Chapter 2 Exam As recognized, adventure as without difficulty as experience virtually lesson, amusement, as without difficulty as deal can be gotten by just checking out a ebook western civilization chapter 2 exam as well as it is not directly done, you could take even more as regards this life, not far off from … Married Tiberius Gracchus and mothered the brothers Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus who went on to defy the political institutions of Rome. Both circles rotate eastward and are roughly parallel to the plane of the Sun's orbit (ecliptic). King’s success dependent upon his fulfillment of religious duties. Citizenship eventually expanded throughout Mediterranean. This was meant to lower tensions between the upper and lower classes. Was extremely humble and was said to have said "my sons are my jewels". 970 B.C. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! Start studying Western Civilization 2 Exam 1. Introducing Cram Folders! ABSOLUTISM and CONSTITUTIONALISM, 1648-1715: 7-9% of the exam. Persians destroyed the Chaldean Kingdom (Babylon) and allowed people of Judah to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their city. improved ships, charted new routes, established colonies, best known as transmitters, First empire to emerge in ancient Near East, exploited use of iron, empire was overextended, nobles gained control of vast territories and waged their own private military campaigns, well organized, develop system of communication, effective military, Indo-European speaking, joined Medes and Babylonians in attacking Assyrians. Chapters 1-4: First Civilizations, Ancient Near East, The Egyptians, The Hebrews, The Greek City-State, Democracy and Greek Thought, economic, social, cultural, and religious development. 255 … western civilization i exam – clep – the college board. Rome founded by Romulus: c. 753 B.C. It was believed that if the flame went out, Rome would crumble. Depending on the frequency and duration of your study time, you can complete the roughly … Reestablishes order after Antony's suicide and is given the honorific title "Augustus" by the senate. He destroyed Thebes to show the price of disloyalty. Study Schedule for the CLEP Western Civilization II Exam. western civilization 1 study sets and flashcards quizlet. Add to folder[?] Properly preserve body, slowly drying a body to prevent it from decomposing, Semitic-speaking people, dominated much of Egypt bringing Middle Kingdom to an end, taught Egyptians bronze, war aspects, Introduced worship of Aten god of sun disk as chief god, changed name to Akhenaten, strove to reduce priests influence and failed, Empire in W. Asian, threatened Egyptian power, iron weapons, Great King with vassals in local areas, ability to assimilate other cultures to their own, Patriarch to many descendants who migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan and were known as 'The Children of Israel', The belief of doctrine that there is only one god, A governor with both civil and military duties in the ancient Persian Empire, which was divided into satrapies, or provinces, each administered by a satrap, "protector of the kingdom", A religion founded by the Oersian Zoroaster in the seventh century B.C. Israelites promised to obey Yahweh and follow his law and in return Yahweh promised special care of his chosen people. Hence France and England did not equally control Eastern and Western Europe (a). Regional governors seized control of Egypt following climate change that decreased Nile flood. 1569-1081 BCE. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. came to throne in Israel, created flourishing state through trade and foreign alliances, famed for skill as a judge, wisdom from God. The main character in the Aeneid. By the turn of the 15th to 16th century, the languages predominating in the western hemisphere show which countries performed the most colonization worldwide. Aeneas is the leader of the Dardanians, the son of Venus, and the principle lieutenant of Hector. Cities arose as a result of the need to centralize efforts to build and maintain irrigation canals in the plains surrounding the rivers. led people of Israel out of bondage of Egypt into the promised land. Set forth specific requirements sacrifices, ethical concerns stood at center of law. The Battle of S... First, he started with diplomacy by sending envoys to Greek-city states seeking “water and earth” - which acted as tokens of submission to Persian rule. In non-manus marriages, a woman remained under the patria potestas of her father until his death. Rome's territorial ambitions united the rest of the Latins against it in 341 BC, but the final victory was on Rome's side in 338 BC. Western Civilization 2 Final Exam Guide. How would you have performed on it? He conquered Egypt and as far east as Bactria. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Expanded trade, produced a number of goods. - Applied ethics 3. One of the oldest normative traditions in Western philosophy, having its roots in ancient Greek civilization. Created by. They represented the goddess Vesta (goddess of the hearth). Following an invasion of the Hyksos people (1664 BCE) leaders of Thebes defeated the invaders in 1569 BCE and reunited Egypt under the New Kingdom. Began during Dorian invasion and end of Mycenaean civilization and ended at the first signs of the Greek city-states in the 9th century BC. Shown in Roman sculptures. Many suitors wanted her hand in marriage so they could claim the throne to Egypt- but she was very smart. He was unable to conquer India when his troops mutinied. Cuneiform- block form of writing originating from Sumeria. The Romans did however continue to idealize the shape of body sculpture which often resulted in an "old person" head and a "young person" body. Ionians revolted and lost. These cities were independent communities that competed for land, resources, and influence. Conquered Gaul. Study Flashcards On Western Civilization Exam 1 at Cram.com. Western Civilization Luther High School. History 101 Western Civilization I Course Online Video. Carried on extensive wars with Hittite kingdom of Anatolia. Western Civilization Exam 1 Flashcards Quizlet. The Persians had control over this land and had the Ionian Greeks under their control. _____ is the branch of ethics which consists of the analysis of specific, controversial moral issues such as abortion, animal rights, or euthanasia. characterized by worship of a supreme god ahuramazda who represents the good against the evil spirit, identified as Ahriman, Semitic-speaking people with tradition concerning origins; OT descendants of Abraham and had migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan, wandered for many years and then entered Canaan and organized twelve tribes, There was conflict with Philistines but he reunited the Israelite and defeated them. Aeneas decides to leave to fulfill his destiny and go to Italy where his descendants are said to found the greatest empire of the world (Rome). Opening to the epic poem, an invocation to the muse. King is a god in human form. After that they are lovers for a year and she helps him reach home, in modern day Syria, large Mesopotamian city state, 20-30,000 people, very literate, exported luxury goods, crops, sheep, weapons, personal seals, wine, and cooking oil, large connections with other places/ cultures, used by Mycenaean Greeks, combination of syllabic and ideograms (pictures like hieroglyphics), pictures allowed for more availability- more literacy, Greek alphabet, inspired by phoenician alphabet (no vowels), originally developed from ideograms, vowels added because they are essential to dactylic hexameter, characteristic of epic poems, 6 measures made up of dactyls (alternation of long and short syllables), c. 750 BCE, epic poetry- Iliad and Odyssey, beginning of Greek lit, popularity spanned 500 years after his death, blind, Homeric epic reflects mix of ideas from Mycenaean civilization, "dark ages", and contemporary times (8th century BCE- technology such as bow and arrows), written by homer in the 8th century BCE, reflects mix of ideas from Mycenaean civilization, "dark ages", and contemporary times (8th century BCE- technology such as bow and arrows), characteristics: invocation (asking for divine intervention/ inspiration), in medias res (story starts in the middle of a larger story), epithets, repetition of passages, catalogs, epic boast (list of accomplishments), dactylic hexameter, characteristics: invocation (asking for divine intervention/ inspiration), in medias res (story starts in the middle of a larger story), epithets, repetition of passages, catalogs, epic boast (list of accomplishments), dactylic hexameter, list of accomplishments, demonstrates strengths, shows who you are- like business card/ resume, not hubris, reference to house and household sense of a family unit, gender specific spaces (gynaikon= women, andron= men), ex: the hearth (symbol of hospility and sacred duty to gods), feasting, entertaining guests, the bedroom (symbolic of marital sexual relations, continuation of lineage, place for intimate knowledge), cyclops from Homer's the Odyssey and Greek mythology, son of Poseidon, "all greek", union of greek people, shown in Olympic games (776 BCE- 261 CE) and Persian Wars (499-479 BCE) with the Hellenic league (led mostly by Sparta) and Delian (Athens) and Peloponnesian (Sparta) leagues, Persian Wars: Delian League (Athens), Peloponnesian League (Sparta), Sparta: 7:1 ratio of healots to Spartan= slave revolts, 2 kings (monarchy), and Council of Elders (oligarchy)--- Athens: strong aristocracy, democracy because of wider level of citizenship/ participation, prophecy, dedicated to Apollo, women told prophesies, sophists (philosophical teacher), "man is the measure of all things", believed radical subjectivism (subjective experience), Character in Plato's Book I of The Republic, sophist in ancient Greece, justice is that which is "to the advantage of" the stronger.
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